City of Boulder Ballot Issue No. 2B
Sales and use tax extension
If this were the first time Boulder had
ever faced this tax issue for parks and recreational services, it would
be worth having a debate over how such things affect a community’s
long-term economic diversity. But the time for that debate is long past.
Boulder is what it is, and the community’s identity is now clearly
defined by its commitment to maintaining and increasing its parks and
recreational opportunities, if not its economic diversity.
Boulder to continue to fund its substantial existing parks and
recreation services, including the development, renovation and
refurbishment of parks and buildings, as well as generating additional
funds for the future acquisition of still more parks, then the city’s
0.25 cent sales and use tax, which is slated to expire at the end of
2015, must be extended.
voting yes on Boulder Ballot issue 2B, the existing sales and use tax
will be extended for an additional 20 years, expiring on Dec. 31, 2035.
All things considered, we believe that extending the tax is Boulder’s
best option at this point.
Respond: [email protected]