Sweetened Cold Coffee Parfaits



Who doesn’t like a good cup of Joe?


I do believe life as I know it would be utterly destroyed without my morning coffee.

Who am I kidding? My morning, noon and night coffee. I have made big strides to cut out the after 4 p.m. cup. Baby steps.

My dessert this week is Sweetened Cold Coffee Parfaits. It is inspired by the musical In the Heights. I went to opening night at the Buell Theatre and loved it. A lot of great music, dancing and a lot of coffee talk.

Of course I like my coffee like I like my … bikinis. Black. I will, however, bend for this treat and enjoy all the other wonderful flavors that the coffee will enhance.

Parfait is French for perfect, and I think this treat might just measure up to the highest of my coffee-drinking, French-speaking, sweet-toothed friends’ standards. Whipped cream, chocolate wafers, sweetened milk and coffee, umm, you might want to make sure you have all night for girl talk, because no one is sleeping after this concoction.

I suggest going on in to Pettyjohn’s Liquor and Wine and having them recommend a nice coffee liqueur to go along with your parfait. Of course, a nice shot of espresso alongside it might do the trick, as well.

And please for the love of everything caffeinated, there is no “x” in espresso. Just saying.

So, come on and get your coffee parfaits on. I would have to agree with the French. Perfect!

Now follow the directions, put some love into it, and invite me over when it’s done.

Sweetened Cold Coffee Parfaits

1/2 cup instant espresso
2 tbsp. sugar
1 14-ounce can condensed milk
1-1/2 cups heavy whipping cream
2 tsp. vanilla
14-16 Famous chocolate wafers

Follow directions for 1 cup instant espresso using only 1/2 cup hot water. Add 2 tbls. sugar and dissolve. Let cool.

Add condensed milk to coffee and whisk until starting to thicken. Beat heavy whipping cream and vanilla until stiff peaks form. Fold half of beaten whipped cream into coffee mixture.

Layer coffee whipped cream, regular whipped cream and 2-3 chocolate wafers (stuck in between creams) divided between your favorite parfait or wine glasses. Top with one chocolate wafer on top. Dust with powdered sugar. Enjoy!

Note: You can use a strong cup of coffee if you don’t have espresso. Clear coffee mugs or water glasses work great too; you can do multiple layers for bigger glasses.

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