Sophisticated Sex
Safe and SexEdating! Since the dawn of the electronic age, online dating was regarded, fairly or not, as being unsexy, unsafe and for the socially awkward. But as more aspects of our everyday life migrate to the online world, the stigma has faded. ...
Best actor vs. best actress
Movie critics are squabbling over the dichotomy of best actor vs. best actress. Many say male and female performers should be evaluated as equals, maintaining that separate categories perpetuate stereotypes and suppress the growing success of women. In a New York...
The meet market
For hundreds of years in some cultures partners met each other when walking down the aisle of their own arranged marriages...
Keeping courtship and commitment
Dear Dr. Jenni, I’m always the one initiating sex with my wife, and it’s getting old being told no, since she never wants to do it as often as I do. I’ve tried different approaches, but what advice would you give to get her in the mood more often? Or should I just ...