Dear Pharmacist
Some Medications Scare Me
Dear Pharmacist, I just became a pharmacist and started reading your syndicated column. Your emphasis is usually centered around the benefits of vitamins, minerals or alternative treatments, as compared to prescription medications. I take offense sometimes because I...
FDA Requires Me to Tiptoe Through My Two Lips
Dear Pharmacist,My question is about the FDA and freedom of speech. The reason I ask is that I am reading your Drug Muggers book, and you make a lot of nutrient recommendations. When I called a big online store to ask a question about a supplement they sell, they ...
Relieve Sore, Achy Muscles Fast
Dear Pharmacist, I moved some furniture last weekend and my muscles are still sore. This happens every time I exert myself, even from walking around the block. My muscles aren’t as resilient as in years past. What can I do or take? --M.J. Decatur, IllinoisAnswer: ...
The goods on grapefruit and medications that won’t mix
Dear Pharmacist, My medication label suddenly warns not to eat grapefruit, but is this a serious interaction? Reason I ask is because I love to eat it, and nothing has happened to me so far. --K.A., Tulsa, OklahomaAnswer: Then stay consistent with your eating habits...
Hot Springs Are the Fountain of Youth
Dear Pharmacist, I saw your facebook pictures of hot springs in Utah and you said that you’d actually fly to hot springs to get their healing benefits. This may be personal, but are you sick? What’s in the water that is so healing? I’m curious because around here, ...
How Drug Muggers Can Slowly Steal the Life Out of You
Dear Pharmacist,I bought your Drug Muggers book and learned that coffee is stealing iron from my body. I’ve had chronic fatigue for years, and now that I’m supplementing with the iron, I’m feeling MUCH better, so thank you! I’m not giving up coffee though. Suzy, ...
Find Out if You Are Deficient in Vitamins & Minerals
Dear Pharmacist, I started taking 5 new supplements but I’ve been noticing occasional butterflies in my chest, hair loss, heartburn and muscle twitching. I think it’s related to my vitamins because when I stop them, the symptoms goes away. Should I stop? --T.E., ...
Allergy Medicines Are Nothing To Sneeze At
Dear Pharmacist, I have allergies and I’m not sure which medication to buy. Can you compare/contrast them? --M.T., Gainesville, Florida Answer: The most common triggers include pollen, pet dander, dust mites, mold spores, cockroaches or foods (like mangos) or ...
How to Curb Cravings for Alcohol and Drugs
Dear Pharmacist,My brother is struggling with alcohol cravings, even though he has a support group and does acupuncture. I wonder if you have any ideas about herbs or vitamins to reduce cravings. --H.S. Orlando, FloridaAnswer: Your brother, along with roughly 14...
Hemp is Not Pot, It’s a Superfood!
Dear Pharmacist,You posted a recipe on facebook recently, and it contains “hemp seeds.” Isn’t that related to pot, and isn’t it illegal? I’ve never heard of this, and my grocery store says they cannot carry it. --G.K. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida...