´Tis the season for getting a little frantic. Your schedule is crammed, your to-do lists are long and your to-buy-for list is much longer than your list of what-to-buy ideas. We get it. So before you get all strung out on eggnog lattes and start swarming the mall looking for inspiration in every mannequin’s face, consider the contents of these pages. We’ve done the hard work for you.
We’ve considered personality types and interests, age ranges and hobbies. We’ve stacked up our choice gear of the year, and sampled some of the season’s tastiest treats. Great gifts are out there — and possible to find without emptying your pocketbook into 2012.
So sit back, relax, sip instead of gulp your peppermint-spiced whatever, and let these pages unfold and the possibilities brew. Then bundle up, get out there and get ready for another wonderful holiday season.