ECO BRIEFS | Week of February 06

National park series aims to promote park advocacy among diverse communities


The National Park Experience will premier its film, Love in the Tetons, on Feb. 8 at eTown Hall in Boulder. The goal of the film series, National Park Experience, is to revive the adoration for national parks through true and diverse stories of people’s relationships with these parks. The National Park Experience’s creative teams want people to realize that regardless of age, race, religion, politics and economic status, there is a place for everyone at national parks.

Love in the Tetons, the first of 10 in the series, presents Juan Martinez, whose experience of first seeing the stars at the national park sparked a relationship that has influenced his life and secured him a more promising future. Martinez’s growing connection with the park also prompted a relationship with a park ranger, Vanessa Torres. The film trailer reveals the expansive impact of the park by showing how their wedding brought friends and family from all different cultures to the park for the first time.

“Pairing the national parks with emotional personal stories like this is a great way to remind us all of the treasures we have available to us. For free,” Pam Huling of Blue Chalk Media said, according to the National Park Experience’s website.

— Mallane Dressel

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