City of Lafayette Ballot Question 2A: Yes to Open Space Tax Extension


City of Lafayette Ballot Question No. 2A

City of Lafayette Open Space Tax Extension



Ballot Issue 2A asks voters to extend the existing 0.25 percent legacy
tax in the city of Lafayette, which will go toward the acquisition of
land to become open space. If passed, the tax, which is set to expire on
Dec. 31, 2014, will be extended through Dec. 31, 2024. The city would
collect $8 million over 10 years, which would go toward adding another
11 miles to the current 18 miles of trail and another 1,000 acres of
land, which would double the current 1,074 acres of open space.

city’s Open Space Advisory Committee has acquired 387 acres of open
space since the tax was first implemented in 1999, and has identified an
additional 900 acres of possible open space property, which it pledges
to use toward community buffers and recreational opportunities. The
lessons we’ve learned from Boulder’s buffers are that it brings home
values up, but can price out low-income families.

Open Space Division is 100 percent funded by the Legacy Tax and POST
(parks, open space, and trails), which is another sales tax initiative
that shares the same tax rate of 0.25 percent. Vote yes.

Respond: [email protected]