Celebrating 4/20 in the time of the virus


You know that fantasy you always had about being snowed in for a month and having nothing to do but smoke ganja all the time?

Well, scratch that one off the old bucket list.

And check one of the following:

a) Sometimes dreams really do come true.

b) Be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it — good and hard.

c) Both of the above.

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But seriously folks.

According to Kyle Jaeger at Marijuana Moment (hardest working marijuana journo in this arm of the galaxy), this year a number of police departments are getting in on the 4/20 merriment.

Like this tweet from the Fort Collins Police Department:

“We’ll be blunt — if you’re ganja partake in 4/20 activities, weed preefer if you consume responsibly. Don’t get your mota running — driving while impaired is illegal. Know your limits & follow the law (helpful chart below). Share this info with your buds. Dank you & be safe!”

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Not to be outdone, Bath Township, Michigan, weighed in with a post on Facebook:

“Weed not be doing our jobs if we didn’t remind you all that social distancing is still important. It’s a joint effort between all of us, from Herb to Mary Jane. Doobie cautious and avoid social gatherings such as pot lucks. If you’re out blazing some fall leaves or chatting with neighbors make sure to stay on your side of the grass.

“Hash out issues with your family peacefully even if they’re acting like a little roach. Today is 4/20 which means we’re closer to being able to hang out with our buds again which will be pretty dope. So reefer to the guidelines until then and stay safe. And we’re aware of the difficulties faced by everyone as they cannot get together today to celebrate Carmen Electra’s birthday.”

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Ben & Jerry’s celebrated 4/20 — what do you expect from the company that gave us Cherry Garcia and Phish Food — by reminding people that there is still a drug war going on out there.

“It’s hard for us to get excited about #420 when so many people of color are still being arrested for cannabis,” the company tweeted, “We have to do better.”

It also put out a statement saying that it was calling on Congress to pass the MORE Act (Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment, and Expungement Act) “which would make cannabis legal and (it’s an important “and”!) expunge prior cannabis convictions.”

“Want to feel really good this 4/20? Then let’s make sure that legalization benefits all of us. That’ll turn 4/20 into a day that we all can celebrate,” the statement added.

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Lots of other businesses tweeted or posted 4/20- themed statements and tie-ins. The list includes, but is not limited to:

Del Taco — sold 10 tacos for $4.20.

Panda Express — sold four Panda lunch bowls for $20.

White Castle — urged people to host virtual watch parties with the 2004 marijuana cult classic Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle. The company said it would try to virtually participate in as many as possible if sent an invite. (In case you’re wonderin’, the filmmakers got permission from White Castle to use the chain’s name in the film).

Denver-based Smashburger — sold all burgers and sandwiches for $4.20 on 4/20. “Tend to your buds this 4/20… taste buds! Get any single burger or sandwich (any protein) for $4.20 this 4/20,” the company tweeted.

And it wasn’t just munchie-focused companies. The Canadian branch of Turbo Tax tweeted, “With the cannabis industry in high demand (and since it’s the highest holiday of the year) we’re chatting all things cannabis and taxes, and how medical cannabis is in some cases considered an allowable medical expense.” That’s in Canada, don’t try this when filing Sam’s 1040.

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And finally, this insight up at someecards.com from Licensed Florist (@SortaBad):

“And on Day 420, God created marijuana. And it was good.

“And on Day 421, he created evolution, because he was now too lazy to create more things.”