One of life’s simple pleasures, if you’re a meat eater, is watching a whole hog slowly turn on a rotisserie, turning its skin to glass as the meat inside gets tender and moist.
Aji in Boulder is in the midst of their summer of pig roasts. Every Friday this season, stop by Aji for some of that rotisserie pig meat. Enjoy full pork dinner specials and creative menu items on Friday nights. For more info visit www.ajirestaurant.com.
Speaking of pig meat, if one meal of rotisserie pig isn’t enough, you can head up to Keystone for the fifth annual Blue Ribbon Bacon Tour June 27 and 28.
Hundreds, no, thousands of pork products will be at your disposal in myriad ways. Vendors and food makers from Keystone and elsewhere in Colorado will be preparing and slinging bacon, pork belly and other pig delights on sliders, skewers and stews all weekend. And if you prefer to drink your bacon — first of all, we recommend you see a doctor — but there will be bacon bloody marys to quench your thirst.
Also at the fest, you’ll be able to enjoy live music from Hell’s Belles, Gipsy Moon, Rob Drabkin, Josh Blackburn and Zoso.
Tickets include unlimited portions of eight bacon dishes and two craft beers (you can buy more later) and costs $50 per day. Kids are cheaper for entry and start at $20. For more information and to buy tickets visit www.blueribbonbaconfestival.com.
The largest outdoor brewing festival in the state will be held in Fort Collins at the 26th annual Colorado Brewers’ Festival on June 27 and 28 at the Washington Park and Civic Center Park areas.
About 20,000 people will descend upon downtown Fort Collins for the festival. More than 100 local craft beers from about 50 Colorado breweries will be on full display at the two-day event, which also features live music and ample food vendors from some of the state’s finest food makers. There will also be an interactive “beer school” at the event, including tastings and demonstrations. That’s the best kind of school.
The festival will also feature a special area called “the neighborhood,” featuring only beers from Fort Collins. It’ll allow us Boulder County folk to properly judge, enjoy and congratulate our northern neighbors.
On Saturday morning, there will also be a Breakfast & Brews event — sounds good so far — that will feature either a cornbread breakfast sandwich, chef skillet, Johnny cakes, banana bread French toast or biscuits and gravy paired with beer. It’s a good way to start a day of drinking.
There is no entry fee to the event, but you’ll need to purchase a $25 commemorative glass (16 ounces) and 10 taster tickets in order to participate in the tastings.
For more information or to pre-order your glass and tickets visit www.downtownfortcollins.com.