Prime produce time

Your 2023 guide to Boulder County’s roadside farm stands


Immersive is the style du jour, from Denver’s psychedelic Meow Wolf or beguiling Van Gogh exhibit, to the “liquid sky” music shows at Boulder’s Fiske Planetarium. Even the Barbie movie and the reopened Casa Bonita restaurant are being billed with the ubiquitous term.

For food lovers and cooks, summer and fall have always been fully engrossing experiences. If you are passionate about savoring the fleeting flavors of fresh, locally grown produce, the place to embrace the season is at a roadside farm stand. 

Farmers markets are convenient, but they’re really just a tease for the real thing taking place every day along the dusty backroads of Boulder County. When you stop at a stand, you can see the crops growing and smell the soil, meet the farmers and escape into the vegetable multiverse. 

With the prime of the harvest ahead, many stands have just reopened, including Red Wagon Farm in Lafayette and Boulder’s Munson Farms.  

While the season is at its peak, use the following alphabetical directory to find Boulder County farm stands. Let us know what we missed: [email protected]

Boulder County Farm Stands by alexiskgnu · MapHub

Boulder County Farm Stands by alexiskgnu

Map by Jacob Agatston and Alexis Kenyon/KGNU

Courtesy Aspen Moon Courtesy Aspen Moon

Aspen Moon Farm

7927 Hygiene Road, Hygiene

10 a.m.-6 p.m. Tues.-Thurs.

Owners Erin Dreistadt and Jason Griffith operate this certified organic farm. The Aspen Moon stand offers an array of vegetables plus raspberries, salad greens, flowers, popcorn and food from local producers.  

The Bee Hugger Farm

12590 Ute Highway, Longmont

8 a.m.-8 p.m. daily

The Bee Hugger is a charming farm experience and opportunity for kids to hang out with pigs, goats, horses, a donkey and sheep. The self-serve stand offers raw and flavored local honeys, eggs and a u-pick sunflower field.

Benevolence Orchard & Gardens

6712 Jay Road, Boulder

10 a.m.-7 p.m. daily

This farm and heirloom fruit orchard offers a self-service stand stocking fresh herbs, greens, vegetables and fruits as well as farm-made apple cider vinegar, raw honey, fresh mushrooms, mushroom tinctures and pick-your-own flower bouquets.

Susan France Eric Skokan at Black Cat Farm in Longmont.

Black Cat Farm Store

4975 Jay Road, Boulder

10 a.m.-5 p.m. Wed.-Sat.

Some of the vegetables, grains and heirloom meats produced on Boulder’s Black Cat Farm go to chef/farmer Erik Skokan’s Bramble & Hare restaurant. The rest is available in a year-round farm store stocked with bread, prepared frozen foods from Skokan’s kitchens, as well as other locally produced foods. Don’t miss the farm’s late season communal vegetable u-pick events. 

Boulder Lavender Farm

Arapahoe Avenue at Willow Creek Drive east of 95th Street, Boulder
This small honor-system cart overlooking a very fragrant field offers lavender bouquets and products, eggs, honey and kombucha.

Buckner Family Farm

10075 N. 75th St., Longmont 

The Buckner family raises beef, pork and lamb served at the state’s top restaurants. About once a month the ranch offers a meat sale for folks signed up on the farm’s email list. The frozen offerings often include meat cuts as well as German, smoked, banger and breakfast sausages, hot dogs, bacon and chorizo. 

John Lehndorff Jim Smailer and Anne Cure (with Katelynn Regan behind them) at the Cure Organic Farm roadside stand (Valmont Road and 75th Street). Photo by John Lehndorff.

Cure Organic Farm

7450 Valmont Road, Boulder 

Noon-5 p.m. daily 

Farmer Anne Cure’s busy stand showcases certified organic vegetables, greens and herbs including a wide variety of heirloom tomatoes. Also on the shelves are eggs, local beef, Western Slope fruit, honey and sourdough loaves. 

Farm Stand

On 73rd Street just north of Niwot Road

Look for the sign offering eggs, vegetables and jam.

Farm Trailer 

On the southwest side of 95th Street, south of Valmont Road, Boulder 

Find fresh veggies and grains here.

Photo courtesy of Growing Gardens Growing Gardens instructor Tracy Bellehumeur

Growing Gardens

1630 Hawthorn Ave., Boulder

3:30-6:30 p.m. Wednesday

This agricultural learning organization fills its farm stand with lettuce mix, hakurei turnips, local mushrooms, pasta, baked goods and meats. 

Let It Bee Honey & More Store

4689 Ute Highway, Lyons

Noon-5 p.m. Wed.-Sat.

Totally bee-focused establishment selling bulk raw honey, pollen, beeswax, candles, royal jelly and candy.

MASA Seed Foundation Farm and Gardens

1367 75th St., Boulder

10 a.m.-5 p.m. Wed.-Sat.

MASA is a unique facility featuring a repository full of locally adapted seeds, plants and vegetables.

Montgomery Homestead Farm Stand

10286 Isabelle Road, Lafayette (1/2 mile west of U.S. 287)
8 a.m.-noon Saturday; 3-6 p.m. Wednesday 

In its 160th year as a family farm, the Montgomery Homestead Farm stand offers a diversity of crops including green beans, peppers, tomatillos, kohlrabi, cukes, eggplant, rose hips and squash. 

Susan France Amy Sembower of Munson Farms

Munson Farms

7355 Valmont Road, Boulder

11 a.m.-5 p.m. daily

Generations of locals have scored countless freshly picked ears of sweet corn at Munson Farm in the late summer. The stand also offers squash, flowers, tomatoes and Western Slope fruit.

Off Beet Farm

Near 3700 North 63rd St., Boulder
This small self-service roadside stand offers a limited selection of fresh vegetables and flowers. 

Ollin Farms

8627 N. 95th St., Longmont

11 a.m.-6 p.m. weekdays; 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday

Ollin Farms extends a welcoming experience including a stand well-stocked with vegetables, greens, herbs, flowers and an array of local food products. The stand also hosts booths from other small farms.

Red Wagon Farm Store

1640 Baseline Road, Lafayette

Noon-6 p.m. weekdays; 10 a.m.-6 p.m. weekends

Long a supplier of produce to notable bistros and cafes, Red Wagon is now at home in the spacious barn just west of U.S. 287 on Lafayette’s Thomas Open Space. Besides its beautiful cherry tomatoes, leeks, squash, potatoes, greens and flowers, the store stocks foods from other local producers.

Squeak and Squawk Farm

7798 N. 83rd St., Longmont (near the Diagonal Highway)
9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Sunday 

Squeak and Squawk provides vegetables, baked goods, honey and homemade preserves such as ploughman’s pickles, southwestern corn relish, sriracha cauliflower and pickled beets.

7th Generation Farm

1536 Courtesy Road (95th Street), Louisville
Noon-5 p.m. Friday; 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. Saturday

Steps away from downtown Louisville, this Open Space farm is a rural escape featuring a small store selling meats, produce and honey. In the fall the farm hosts a pumpkin patch and family festival.

Shadow Butte Lake Ranch

Valmont Road near 70th Street 

A small, self-service trailer parked by the side of the road is packed with a surprising variety of farm-grown vegetables, multi-colored eggs and preserves. 

Stalk Market at the Yellow Barn

9417 N. Foothills Highway (U.S. 36), Boulder
11 a.m.-6 p.m. Wed.-Sun.
Dedicated to local, sustainable, zero-waste products, a membership fee (similar to a CSA) is required to shop at the stand.

Summer Dog Farm

8716 Arapahoe Road, Boulder
11 a.m.- 4 p.m. Saturday
This charming stand sells folk art, vegetables, honey and jam.

Sunbeam Farm

1005 Cherryvale Road, Boulder

This self-serve stand is stocked with fresh eggs and some greens and vegetables. 

Tabor Acres Farm

3918 N. 119th St., Lafayette 

7 a.m.-7 p.m. daily, except Thursday

The 30-acre Tabor property mainly grows flowers but also supplies farm eggs and honey.

Ya Ya Farm and Orchard

6914 Ute Highway, Longmont

10 a.m.-3 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday; 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Thursday; 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 

The varieties of heirloom apples ripen one after another as the harvest season progresses. Many are sold fresh (or self-picked by visitors). Some end up in the stand’s famous apple cider and doughnuts. Kids can visit with the many animals.