Tag: must-reads

Behind closed doors

A recording made during a 2015 meeting of oil and gas industry representatives and state regulators has surfaced. We believe the information from this...

Opposite of America

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” — Emma Lazarus Four hundred and sixty-two. That’s how many days Mishkat...

Behind the curtain

If money is speech, then it stands to reason that a very small number of very wealthy people can effectively drown out the voices of the multitude on issues they determine worthy of a shout via their checkbooks. Currently in Colorado, the issues where this money/ ...

No solid ground

The coal mines that lie under portions of downtown Lafayette and Louisville, outskirts of Erie and most of Frederick, Firestone and Dacono were built to collapse. Coal mines on the Front Range from the 1860s when coal mining began in Colorado until roughly 30 years ...

Park Service kills hundreds of bison despite objections from Native Americans...

The Buffalo Field Campaign, which monitors the Yellowstone border and tracks the park’s bison management activities, reports that 410 wild bison have been trapped and removed for slaughter in recent weeks...