(un)affordable: Affordability 101


While affordable housing has been a policy priority, at least in theory, across Boulder County for years, need still far outweighs current supply, leaving room for myriad solutions from legislators, nonprofits, city planners, regulators, housing advocates and others. Unsurprisingly, discussions about affordable housing can be confusing, with numerous programs, funding sources and strategies involved. The amount of bureaucracy on federal and local levels can be intimidating both for those who need affordable housing, and for those in the community concerned about it. 

To start, we need to understand the current situation—the programs, policies and strategies local jurisdictions are using now to increase affordable housing across Boulder County, and to do that we sit down with Jonathan Cappelli, executive director of The Neighborhood Development Collaborative, a nonprofit network of 18 Front Range affordable housing and community development organizations, including Boulder Housing Partners.


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