Vote ‘yes’ on even-year elections
I support moving city council elections to even years. Voter participation is a passion of mine. In my first election when I was 18 years old, I registered and voted against Ronald Reagan. I was passionate and informed about voting and even chose to vote differently than my parents did. I felt like my vote really mattered. I hope Boulder voters can recall their own first time voting, how it shaped them and how this measure promises to capture the voices of more voters.
Since that first experience, I have become engaged in local politics, and have spent a lot of time volunteering at voter registration events, and even served as an election judge in Boulder County.
These experiences over my lifetime have led me to believe that we cannot discount the voice of one person or group over another. Every vote matters and every voice should be heard. For example, a renter’s vote is equal to a homeowner’s vote. A vote from someone who moved here yesterday is equal to a vote from someone born here. A young person’s vote is equal to a senior citizen’s vote.
From the perspective of someone who has worked as an election judge in even years, it is more difficult to vote here in odd years. There are fewer open polling centers and hours of operation in odd years. Many of the first time voters met while issuing ballots at the CU UMC polling center spoke about wanting to experience the joys of voting in person. Much of the work centered around updating addresses and registering people to vote for the first time.
People move from time to time, so not every voter will receive a mail ballot. The polling centers are critical to making voting accessible to more people so having the increased hours in even years is especially important for voter participation. The voter turnout data makes it clear that more people vote in even years. Let’s hear the voices of our whole community. Join me in voting “yes” on ballot measure 2E!
Rosie Fivian/Boulder
Vote ‘yes’ on library district
I will vote “yes” on measure 6C to fund our libraries because right now, wealth inequality is at an all-time high, attacks on public schools and libraries are nearly a weekly occurrence, and our community is polarized and bombarded with misinformation and “alternative facts.”
As a single teen mom, the Boulder Public Library was a key resource in helping me find a job after getting my GED and associate degree. I was able to research local businesses and find books on resume writing. As a parent and grandparent, the library has been a go-to space to connect with other parents, get out of the house and engage in activities with other kids, and participate in community events.
Libraries level the playing field for everyone. As a formerly low-income parent scraping by in Boulder, I can attest to how invaluable the libraries are to someone living in poverty. They break down barriers to technology and cultivate a sense of community with free and low-cost programs. Libraries are also key partners for our schools providing collaboration opportunities of all sizes.
But Boulder libraries are under direct threat right now due to underfunding, as are many libraries in the state that are dependent on a city or county general fund. A library district provides a successful and stable source of funding as evidenced by the many robust library districts in our state. They offer vital programs and hours that aren’t under threat of city budget cuts.
Our libraries are currently operating at 2002 funding levels, adjusted for inflation, yet they are trying their best. We need to give them a stable funding path so that they can do what they are meant to do: provide equal access to information to everyone. Vote “yes” on measure 6C.
Angela Bowman/Boulder
Email: [email protected]