Correction: In Best of Boulder East County (Oct. 27, 2022), we incorrectly labeled Native Roots as the winner of the CBD category in the body of the write-up. The winner was Star Buds.
Editor’s note: Several readers have called in to ask why Boulder Weekly hasn’t been running John Lehndorff’s Nibbles column. John has been off the food beat for the last few weeks as he recovers from major back surgery. But fear not, Nibbles fans: John plans to return to his column when he’s fully recovered. John, rest easy and get well — we miss you!
In memory of Andy Clark
“Music is life!” Andy proclaimed as we were still riding the high of singing along to Trace Bundy’s rendition of “Sweet Child O’ Mine.” I’d handed my guitar to Trace a few minutes before and sat back in awe of the evening I’d seemingly stumbled into. Andy invited me to stay for a jam after pizza night. It was the first but not the last time I’d see Andy cry tears of joy.
We met a month or so earlier when he dared to support a small business a partner and I had started in Boulder. I’d joked that it would only take 1,000 Moxies and we would have a business. Andy laughed, wished me luck, and told me how it had taken his whole life to build just one. I didn’t understand it at that moment, but Moxie is special.
It didn’t take long to understand why. On any given day when I’d visit [Moxie Bread Co.], I’d be introduced to a chocolate maker, a musician, a farmer. What they lacked in shared trade they shared in character. Moxie was a place for makers, doers, and most importantly community. When Moxie would come up in conversation with potential landlords, out on a date, or with new friends, the reaction was always the same: ‘You know Andy?!’ It was a stamp of approval that opened doors and made settling into Boulder a pleasure.
After an afternoon of loading equipment for a farm dinner, I pulled a couple beers out of the fridge. Andy and I talked about life, where it had started, where it was going. We talked about Colorado Grain Chain, pizza nights at the Merc, the logistics of opening up a nonprofit grain mill. I asked which of these Andy was most proud of and without skipping a beat his answer was, “None of them; this winter I skied the waterfalls of Wolf Creek with my son.”
I can’t think of a more Andy moment. He was an inspiration as an artist, as a friend and a father. He cared about craft, community and music. The man lived for music, but most of all he lived for others. His love was abundant, boundless and I will carry it with me for the rest of my life.
Alex Osborne/Boulder