In support of the library district
My name is Jennifer Yee and I am a resident of unincorporated Boulder County. A quick maps search tells me that I live 305 feet inside the northern boundary of the proposed library district. I’m also a small business owner and investor, along with my husband I own a personal care and waxing studio in downtown Boulder.
I strongly support the creation of a Boulder library district. I only recently came to understand that I am a library card holder that benefits from a source of funding to which I do not contribute. As a corporate citizen and member of the community, it is both my duty and my desire to contribute to the sustainability and growth of the public library and its services.
I have two young children, 7 and 4, who have both spent their whole lives in Boulder. The public library has been a central part of our family’s experience of Boulder, including the welcoming children’s section and story times; public programs on race and climate change; and the respite the library provides on the rare few days the weather isn’t perfect in Boulder.
I’m most excited about the prospect of library branches closer to my home, including the new promised branch in North Boulder and satellite branches in Gunbarrel and Niwot; of expanded and equitable access to library services for all Boulder residents; and of library jobs being restored to pre-pandemic levels.
I am disappointed the County Commissioners have again delayed this process. The library needs sustainable funding, not any cobbled together mix of funding that is subject to the whims of sales taxes or who holds political office in the city council. I urge county and city leaders to continue this work without delay to create a library district, so we can vote on sustainable funding this fall.
Jenn Yee/Longmont
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