Will business in Colorado turn into Survivor?

Proposed amendment would allow citizens to vote out businesses


A proposed amendment to the Colorado constitution could turn the state into one giant episode of Survivor, allowing locals to vote out any for-profit business they don’t like.

The stated point of the amendment is to allow communities is to allow them to decide on matters of fracking. Though the amendment would not be strictly confined to restrictions on fracking.

From an article in The Daily Caller…

“The proposal would also allow cities and towns to ban any “for-profit entities,” whether it’s a fracking operation, a company that makes genetically modified seeds or a national retailer.”

Boosters have even said that the amendment is not just about oil and gas, but “any project that puts a community at risk.”

Of course, projects that have been perceived to put communities at risk include everything from porn stores, bars (or newly-legal marijuana shops), or mouthy alternative newsweeklies.

Read more about it here.