Obama called for jury duty


WASHINGTON — If Cook County, Ill., had had its druthers, President Barack Obama would have shown up Monday for jury duty.

But court officials were told several weeks ago the prospect was a no-go, a White House official said Sunday. The summons showed up at the president’s home in Chicago’s Kenwood neighborhood.

Obama, a 1991 graduate of Harvard Law School, president of its law review and later a professor at the University of Chicago Law School, would have been bound for the courthouse in suburban Bridgeview, Ill., had he not been otherwise occupied.

With his first State of the Union speech on tap Wednesday, it’s a busy week for the president — though not strictly business.

His official schedule Monday calls for a meet-and-greet with the Los Angeles Lakers, the reigning NBA champions. The White House said players will be joined by the coaches, team staffers, NBA officials and former Laker greats.

Then, no doubt, it’s back to business.

(c) 2010, Tribune Co.

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