Big bank protests come to Boulder Saturday


On Saturday, Nov. 5, the nonprofit organization
Civil Action is protesting Wall Street Banks such as JP Morgan Chase Bank and
Wells Fargo by holding community gatherings in front of the big banks,
including in Boulder.

In addition, Occupy Boulder will hold a “Move Your Money” rally from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the intersection of Broadway and Canyon. More information about the rally can be found at Civil Action is holding its gatherings with the slogan
“Make Wall Street Pay!” to demonstrate that the banks are hurting the
still-struggling economy, and to encourage community members to pull their money
out of the banks and move it to smaller ones.

There will be 237 gatherings held throughout the country on
Nov. 5, according to’s website.

In Boulder, the protest will take place at the Wells Fargo
on the Pearl Street Mall at 9:30 a.m. There also will be a protest in
Broomfield at the JP Morgan Chase Bank at 120th and Vrain.

For more information about the Make Wall Street Pay Action
or Civil Action, visit


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