21 or 18? Rick Perry misses the mark on voting age


GOFFSTOWN, N.H. — Texas Gov. Rick Perry campaigned in
New Hampshire on Tuesday to tout his endorsement from Sheriff Joe
Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz., but it was the GOP presidential
candidate’s misstatement of the voting age that caught the attention of
reporters during a speech at St. Anselm College.

who during a recent Republican presidential debate struggled for nearly
a minute to remember the third agency on a list of three federal
departments he said he wanted to eliminate, slipped up just as he was
wrapping up his prepared remarks at his third of four events in the
Granite State.

“Those of you that will be 21 by
Nov. 12th, I ask for your support and your vote,” Perry said to a crowd
that included college students.

“Those of you who
won’t be — just work hard — because you are going to inherit this and
you’re counting on us to get this right. The idea that you’re looking at
a $15 trillion debt, that you’re looking at entitlement programs that
will not be there for you if we continue on this path, is not fair to
you and it’s not right.”

The minimum voting age in the United States is 18.

it was unclear which November date Perry was referring to. The general
election is set for Nov. 6, 2012, and New Hampshire’s
first-in-the-nation primary is on Jan. 10.


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