Puerto Rican doctors on hot seat for tasteless photos from Haiti posted on Facebook


MIAMI — A group of Puerto Rican doctors who traveled to Haiti in the wake of the nation’s devastating earthquake to provide aid are under fire for posting tasteless photographs on Facebook.

The Puerto Rican newspaper Primera Hora reported
that among the 1,197 photographs the delegation posted on the social
networking site were some showing doctors posing with machine guns
borrowed from Dominican guards, grinning during what appears to be an
amputation and drinking whisky. There were also images of a Haitian
woman naked below the waist, covered only by a small piece of gauze.

The issue went viral after a Facebook user noticed
the images and began e-mailing links to the site. By Friday the
pictures had been taken down and the Facebook group disbanded.

Puerto Rico’s
health department said it will investigate the incident, and one of the
doctors has already lost his municipal political appointment, according
to the newspaper.

(c) 2010, The Miami Herald.

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