Darkness always births the light. There is no insanity
without surfacing reason. Apathy can give way to
conviction and action.
Remind me.
There is no suppression without eventual uprising.
Public silence unleashes individual voices. Where
there is death, there must be life.
Remind me.
Where there is waste, growth will be forged.
Narcissistic leaders incense empowered communities.
Censorship spurs collective voices.
Remind me.
Senseless occupations cause people to question.
Unjustified spending arouses investigation.
The pendulum always swings.
Remind me.
Hopelessness, despair, intolerance and fear can
debilitate. Belief, anger, purpose, education and
faith can facilitate. What can I do?
Remind me.
Diane Bergstrom wears many hats and many masks.