In reverie I drum with open hands
all over my naked chest legs stomach,
beating into this life a rhythm,
percussing the guts beneath my skin…
my body
an instrument
of vibration.
Every boundary is a membrane
each membrane a drum full
with organs of oceans beyond sky
and the powerful force which waits inside…
contains a frequency I hide
shakes an inanimate dance to life.
In reverie I drum loud with open palms
all over my heart’s
to beckon this cadence come alive,
percussing my inside song to rise…
no longer hidden
behind a skin…
my body
an instrument
of vibration.
All his life Kevin EM Rodgers has wondered why he’s alive and if there is a point. He combines philosophy, science and his own experiences in attempt to make some sense of it all.
Boulder Weekly accepts poetry and flash fiction submissions of 450 words/35 lines or fewer and accompanied by a one-sentence bio of the author. Send to: [email protected]