True Blood becomes a witching hour in season four


While the season three finale of True Blood tied up a bunch of loose ends, like the real reason Bill was interested in Sookie and the realization that Sookie is a fairy, it also left a bunch of questions and storylines open for season four, which premieres on June 26.

The season three finale ended with Bill battling queen vampire Sophie-Anne in his house, with hopes of killing her so he doesn’t have to give up Sookie. Was Bill victorious? Sookie, meanwhile, was taking a trip with some fairies to the fairyland. Will she be trained in her fairy powers to do battle against the vamps in season four? Who knows?

But what we do know is that Lafayette’s Latin lover, Jesus (who admitted he was a witch), will be a central character as a coven of witches comes through Bon Temps to wreak havoc. In addition to that, lovable shape-shifter Sam finds some other shape-shifters to hang out with that aren’t crazy relatives, and there will be more werewolves coming to town. Looks like it’s going to be a huge monster party!

We’re also wondering what will become of Jason Stackhouse, who at the end of last season saved a bunch of inbred meth and “V” heads as the DEA was on its way to raid their compound. He fell in love with Crystal, a  were-panther who left with her brother/cousin — whom she was supposed to marry — and asked Jason to take care of her inbred clan. Will Jason go after Crystal? He may be in for more than he bargained for. Plus, Hoyt has to deal with the social pressures of being a “fang banger” while dating his red-haired, red-hot vamp, Jessica. And we hear his momma will be toting that gun around that she bought at the end of last season.

And what about Sookie’s best friend Tara? She went through hell in season three, thanks to Franklin the vampire. He gave new meaning to the term insecure boyfriend. At the end of last season, Tara cut her hair and appeared to leave town. Hopefully she’ll come back renewed and over Eggs and the Franklin debacle.

And what of everyone’s favorite blond vampire, Eric Northman? We last saw him snitching on Bill to Sookie about the real reason Bill was into her. But in clips posted on HBO’s website, it appears that Eric has a run-in with some witches and the result isn’t very good. There’s one teaser scene where Eric is shirtless, walking down the side of the road, and Sookie pulls up next to him. He doesn’t recognize her.

Vampires, fairies, shape-shifters, werewolves, were-panthers, and now witches, will be hanging out in Bon Temps for True Blood’s fourth season. We can’t wait to join them.

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