Guerrilla Film School: ‘Monsieur Hire’


If you’ve been missing CWA’s annual Ebert Interruptus and the pleasure of a good film conversation, then head down to Denver’s Smiley Branch Library on Dec. 14 for a dose of Guerrilla Film School. Hosted by semi-retired film professor John Anzalone (New York’s Skidmore College), the Denver Public Library’s Guerrilla Film School is a monthly traveling series where film lovers gather to discuss and analyze a film shot-by-shot. This Saturday, they’ll be dissecting 1989’s French drama Monsieur Hire, the story of a lonely watcher, the woman he desires and the murder that brings them together. The movie is stylish and impeccably observed, and you can stream it for free via Kanopy (use your library card to login). Watch the movie before you go, and then join Anzalone and company for an afternoon of cinematic discussion. Class begins at 1:30 p.m. and is free and open to all.