Chances are you’ve reached for comfort food over the last several weeks, and it doesn’t get much more comfortable than curry. Kathmandu came down from its Nederland outpost a few years ago to open a second shop on 28th street in Boulder, and since then, we’ve returned to its well of balanced, flavor-forward Indian and Himalayan dishes plenty of times. In its body-heat-generating vindaloo curry dish, choose lamb, fish or, as we did, chicken to pair with a tomato and potato curry that’s robustly spiced with cumin, anise and other earthy elements. Enjoy it with thin, charred garlic naan, or start off the meal with crispy samosas or chewy, juicy momos.
Vindaloo, $12.99-$15.99. Kathmandu Restaurant II, 1964 28th St., Boulder, 303-442-6868, kathmandurestaurant.us/boulder/
Sushi Zanmai and Japango on-board for next ‘Dinner and a Movie’
The Flatirons Food Film Festival is running a Dinner and a Movie series, in which participants order takeout from a local restaurant and stream a movie through the Festival. On May 1, Boulder’s Sushi Zanmai and Japango will offer meals to pair with the film East Side Sushi, about a Bay Area Latina who wants to become a sushi chef despite gender and cultural barriers. Japango’s offering its regular menu plus an East Side Sushi meal kit ($50) and Sushi Zanmai has special sushi combos ($28-$32). Don’t forget the sake. Order the food from the restaurant, and sign up for the screening (and get more info) at flatironsfoodfilmfest.org/films.