
Day-long party coming to east Pearl Street

There will be many reasons to celebrate life at Boulder’s newest neighborhood event this Sunday, starting with a parade honoring firefighters...

Boulder company comes clean on green

When Greg Macchia of Boulder told his wife, Courtney, that he was going to start a cleaning business, she laughed...

Tour de Coops brings farming home

If you’ve ever wondered if your backyard could sustain something more than grass and a hammock, Boulder’s first Tour de Coops event on Saturday, Sept. 4, from 2 to 5 p.m. will be a great way to find out...

From beetle-kill pine to pellet stove fuel

  It was sorrow that compelled Rosalie Bianco to act...

Loving to grow

It`s a little pocket of greenery, an unpainted fence, a worn driveway leading off the west side of Boulder’s North Broadway, up a slope to a strip of scruffy industrial buildings...

Tips for keeping summer eco-sweet

This week’s column has a particular summer focus on all things environmental, sustainable and organic. Keeping the stink out — If you participate in Boulder County’s alternate-week curbside compost pick-up you may have noticed the collection bin can get ...

Getting in (recycled) gear for the outdoors

Climbing, hiking, biking, camping, scuba diving, surfing, fishing, kayaking — enjoying environmental recreation to the fullest often means there’s a lot of gear that goes with it. And it’s the kind of gear that can wind up in landfills or incinerators when it’s ...

Homegrown and recycled

There`s something special about innovative products made of recycled materials that are created by people challenged to turn their eco-convictions into a business. Especially when those products are Colorado-produced goods, because that kind of industry supports...

The return of Alfalfa’s

A long with Boulder landmarks like McGuckin Hardware and the Boulder Book Store, Alfalfa’s grocery remained a local standby for 13 years. Locals were crushed when the store, which pioneered the model for natural foods supermarkets, was bought by Wild Oats in 1996. ...

Discarded, but not broken-arted

Behind a blank facade in one of North Boulder’s industrial strip malls is a room vibrant with color, conversations and the noise of artisans turning out small, quirky masterpieces of recycled goodness. This is Sweetbird Studio, creative home of a Hygiene ...

Keeping recycling in the family

After he retired from masonry construction in 1989, Robert Barlow decided he’d use his free time for a little business, buying and selling cans and other discarded aluminum. The modest Boulder business soon expanded to cover other kinds of metals, but it has the...

Recycling the hard-to-recycle

Whether you have a recyclables pick-up service or you use a collection center, there are probably still times when you wonder, “Where do I recycle this?” Like that box of old paint cans, or out-of-date textbooks that not even thrift Charmaine Ortega Getz shops ...