Taking us back to our indigenous roots, Luna Sandals by Barefoot Ted’s Adventure Company offer runners a unique opportunity to run as our bodies were built to do — barefoot. While allowing us to use our legs and feet “as designed,” they eliminate the challenge of figuring out how to exercise on ragged and rocky terrain.
Inspired by the Tarahumara Indians of Northern Mexico, this “barely there” footwear has many reported benefits, such as strengthening feet and legs, alleviating injuries, and even turning flat feet into feet with arches. Chris McDougall, who popularized this form of running with his book Born to Run, credits such minimalist sandals with solving foot and heel problems he had for years.
Luna Sandals offer many possibilities to help find your perfect fit.
Send in an outline of your feet, and you can have a pair custom-made. Just choose your preferred sole material, either rubber, rawhide or recycled tire, and then pick whether you want water-resistant leather laces or ones made of braided hemp.
For the more adventurous spirit, you can create your own huarache sandals with a kit from Barefoot Ted that comes with the materials needed and detailed instructions. If you want to start from scratch with products of your own, check out the videos at www.lunasandals.com that detail the process of putting the “shoes” together, as well as different ways you can tie them, such as the most recent “slip-on” method.
So, get your natural stride on and visit www.lunasandals.com. Prices run between $49.95 and $69.95.