Is it time to replace your exercise shoes?


We often form a tight bond with our exercise shoes. So it can be a bit difficult to let go of them when they no longer provide suitable support.

Most running and walking shoes can typically last up to 500 miles. But how, where and how much the shoes get used can shorten their useful time. Running on pavement, for instance, can lead to quicker wear and tear of shoes than running on a dirt track or hiking on trail.

How do you know when to let go of exercise shoes that have outlived their effectiveness? Here are a few indicators:

Press Test: Perform this test to determine if the midsoles still provide proper cushioning. With your thumb, push on the outsole upward into the midsole. If the midsole shows heavy compression lines with a minimal amount of compression, there is little or no cushioning left. The midsole on new shoes will compress into lines or wrinkles.

Appearance: Don’t worry about dirt and grime. They’re signs of use. What you should look for are signs of wear and tear, such as heels that have stretched out and outsoles that have worn down. Also, if your shoes have seemingly molded to your feet, that’s another indication of excessive wear.

Feel: Aches and pain in your feet, knees, hip or back are a strong indication that your shoes have lost their cushioning. Additional signs include friction or blisters in unexpected places.

—MCT Respond: [email protected]