Chimani LLC has unveiled a new application for the iPhone and iPad that works as a virtual passport for visitors to the National Parks.
The free version of the Chimani National Parks App provides detailed information on 383 National Park destinations, including monuments, seashores, battlefields, historic parks and parkways.
The app allows users to virtually “stamp” their locations at any park to record visits made during a year. The app also includes 385 photos, a search interface and an interactive map of the parks.
With a subscription to the app from the iTunes website, users gain access to news from the National Parks Traveler News, which offers daily information on happenings throughout the National Parks.
National Parks Traveler Editor-in-Chief Kurt Repanshek says he sees the new app as a way for parkgoers to enjoy their visits while staying on top of National Parks news.
“Not everyone lugs their computer with them on vacation, and with Chimani on your smartphone, it’s easy to read the latest from the Traveler,” said Repanshek. “Whether you’re looking for a checklist to a specific park or curious about how the nesting season for Kemp’s ridley sea turtles is progressing, a feed from the Traveler will help you stay on top of the parks.”
To view the Chimani National Parks App on iTunes, visit http:// bit.ly/iDjC0s.
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