The site is base camp, of sorts, for individuals who take the initiative to start fundraising climbs, bikes, races and hikes to help kids in Uganda, Kenya and Zimbabwe with AIDS and HIV.
The site encourages people and companies to start their own charity challenges and to find sponsors and recruit other participants. All funds raised benefit the American Foundation for Children with AIDS. AFCA provides medicine, supplies and food to children who have been infected with HIV in Kenya, Uganda and Zimbabwe. For more information: Some people organize trips for adventures such as climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. But, if you find yourself with more charity than ambition, one of their ideas is to organize a fundraiser at an indoor climbing facility. You don’t have to limit yourself to climbing, either. The site also includes ideas for bike or foot races.
The website includes information about other participants and their adventures, and gives you lots of tips on fundraising. You can also watch a video of the kids who benefit from your climb.