Haiti’s cholera epidemic reaches the Dominican Republic


MIAMI — Health authorities in the Dominican Republic confirmed the nation’s first case of cholera, just says after the government took drastic steps to limit border traffic with Haiti, where an epidemic has taken more than 1,000 lives.

A 32-year-old Haitian man who works construction in the Dominican Republic and visited his homeland for a two-week vacation returned Friday vomiting and with diarrhea, Health Minister Bautista Rojas said at a press conference Tuesday evening.

The man, identified as Wilmo Lowes, is in stable condition at a hospital in Higuey, in eastern Dominican Republic, Rojas said.

“He went to a health center in the capital on
Friday. It wasn’t a very strong case of diarrhea, so he was released
the next day,” Rojas said.

“In light of the fact that his illness was light, he decided to continue to his final destination, Higuey.”

When he arrived there he was hospitalized again and the cholera was confirmed.

The man was in Haiti from Oct. 31 until Friday, when he traveled by bus from Haiti back to the Dominican Republic, sending authorities scrambling to determine whether he could have contaminated anyone along the way, press reports said.

Twelve other suspected cases were tested but turned
out negative. One person had salmonella poisoning and others suffered
from routine diarrhea, according to a Health Ministry statement.

Three more cases were confirmed on the Haiti side of the border, according to press reports.

The Dominican government had already taken measures
to limit border crossings in Dajabon, where a chaotic market takes
place twice a week. Haitian merchants regularly cross the border to the
Dominican border town and sale their wares.

The market was closed for several days while authorities determined how best to contain the number of Haitians visiting Dajabon.

The market reopened this week, with merchants limited to a small lot and prohibited from selling certain foods and used clothes.

“This is not a matter of commerce,” Rojas said last week. “It’s a matter of health.”

More than 1,000 people have died in Haiti from the illness, which is carried largely by drinking contaminated water


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